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Sunday, May 4

Tasting - Logos Nevarra Rose

Name: Logos Nevarra Rose
Variety: 70% Grenache/ 30% Tempranillo Blend
Region: Navarra
Country: Spain
Year: 2012
Price: $4.95 (Regular: $18.00)
Winery ReviewLink "Light straw­ber­ry with cop­per tones pro­ceed­ing from the bar­rique. Ma­ture red fruits aro­mas, creamy spicy touch and with vanil­la bot­tom. Am­ple in mouth, fill­ing it of fruit fla­vors of the va­ri­ety, With a slight touch of good oak. Ex­cel­lent bal­ance be­tween al­co­hol and acid­i­ty."

My Review: Aromas include creamy oak, vanilla and cherry twisters. It was a medium-body wine that was easy to drink because of it's balance between mineral, buttery and cherry flavors.I enjoyed this wine and could see it pairing well with a variety of foods, and being appropriate in winter as well.